Friday, July 6, 2012

Thursday 05/07/12

Was a nice day! Just a little bit of poliente wind and warm sun. Lot of our customers was learning the waterstart in the water and we got really good pictures cause we had a waterproof camera with us so we could go really close the customers in the water. We had also new customer Juan starting with bodydragin and Ricki was his instructor. If the wind would be just a little bit stronger I thing that it could be little bit better. But here is some pictures from the water.

Here is Eva and Charly doing their fourth day!
Charly on the board!

Robesrto helping Eva in the waves!

Happy faces!

It's not allways easy to go in the right direction!

Eva trying to get up!

And here is pictures from Marion and Mathias!

Marion getting started!

Marion on the board!
Roman helping Mathias to get the board on!

Mathias riding!
And here is pictures of Juan!
Juan separating the lines!

Pumping up the kite!

Going in the water for first time!
 Ok here was our photos from Thursday!! Stay in tune!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

04/07/12 Wednesday

Today the wind had changed to Poniente so the conditions were different for our customers but they all were excited about what the day would bring. So we took our gear straight to the beach and started preparing ourselves for the course.

Marian & Mathias ready for going to the water.
Mathias & Charly all geared up.

First we started with the body dragging to get the feeling about Poniente.
Marian doing body dragging with the help of Eva.

Charly doing body dragging and Mathias holding him back that he wouldn't fly away..
Team Eva & Marian.

Then it's time for waterstart. Charly practising.


Mathias doing good.

Marian getting up.

And then it was Eva's turn.

Today it was time for Julia to go to practise waterstart.
First she was practising on the beach with Flavian.
Then it was time to take a board and go to the water.

Alex was also practising the waterstart and he did really good today! 
Easy day for the instructor..

Then we also had Oscar doing his course today. As you can see, everything is going well!

And here we go..

And at the end of the day it's good to repeat the things you've learned during the day with the instructor.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday 02/07/2012!

 Today we started one new group course with Charly, Eva, Marian and Mathias.

Romain teaching how to make a knot that lasts in the windy conditions.
 Eva & Charly ready for the day!
 At first a little bit of flying the small kite to get the feeling about Levante. Mathias flying the two lines.
 Charly feeling the wind.

 And sometimes you may need a bit help from the instructor.
 Then it was time for a bigger kite, but safety first! 1st, 2nd and 3rd security!

Then feeling the Levante with the bigger kite. Marian doing good.

 And the wind can be hard at times. Charly & Eva practising.
Mathias & Marian.
 Eva & Charly.

We had also customers in the water; Elias from Sweden and Julia from Russia. They did well in the water. They had body draging on their secound day and it was off shore wind so it was little bit harder to control.
Here is some pictures from Elias and Julia;

Elias bodydragin!!
So it was a good and windy day. We are allready waiting for tomorrow to come!